prBAS EN 12230:2024

Surfaces for sports areas - Test method for the determination of tensile properties of synthetic sports surfaces

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Број страница:15
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:09.11.2023
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:12.03.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 22, Путоградња
97.220.10, Спoртски oбjeкти

This document specifies three methods for the determination of the tensile properties of materials used as surfaces, elastic layers and shockpads for sports areas. Method 1 measures the tensile strength of homogenous test specimens that are less than 25 mm in thickness. Method 2 measures the transversal tensile strength of homogenous test specimens that are more than 25 mm in thickness. Method 3 measures the tensile strength of sports surfaces or shockpads that are non-homogenous and contain slots or grooves cut into their structure. This document is applicable both to prefabricated sheet materials and to materials formed by casting of liquid systems cured in-situ. If the nature of the sports surface is such that a properly representative test piece cannot be prepared in the manner described in this document, then determination of tensile properties should not be attempted for quality control purposes, or as a predictor of performance in use. With such materials, it can be more appropriate to determine their compressive properties or other dynamic characteristics for these purposes.

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