BAS EN ISO 17663:2010

Zavarivanje - Zahtjevi kvaliteta za termičku obradu u vezi sa zavarivanjem i srodnim postupcima

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Статус: Важећи
Број страна: 16
Језик: Енглески
Издање: 1.
Метода усвајања: Proglašavanje
Датум објаве: 30.06.2010

ISO 17663:2009 provides quality requirements for heat treatment in air or controlled atmospheres carried out in workshops and on site in connection with welding and forming. It applies mainly to ferritic steels, but can be used for other materials, as appropriate. ISO 17663:2009 provides guidance for manufacturers that perform heat treatment or produce heat-treated products or components. ISO 17663:2009 can also be used as a basis for assessing the manufacturer in respect to its heat treatment capability. ISO 17663:2009 is intended to be a flexible framework for the control of heat treatment processes. The fulfilment of a requirement can be waived where justification can be provided that a specific requirement is not applicable to a specific process.

Животни циклус

Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
  • EN ISO 17663:2009, идентичан
  • ISO 17663:2009, идентичан

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