prBAS EN IEC 61980-3:2024

Electric vehicle wireless power transfer (WPT) systems - Part 3: Specific requirements for magnetic field wireless power transfer systems

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Број страница:126
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:20.10.2023
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:02.04.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 35, Друмска возила
2014/94/EU, Directive 2014/94/EU of The European Parliament and of The Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure
43.120, Eлeктричнa цeстoвнa вoзилa

This part of IEC 61980 applies to the off-board supply equipment for wireless power transfer via magnetic field (MF-WPT) to electric road vehicles for purposes of supplying electric energy to the RESS (rechargeable energy storage system) and/or other on-board electrical systems. The MF-WPT system operates at standard supply voltage ratings per IEC 60038 up to 1 000 V AC and up to 1 500 V DC from the supply network. The power transfer takes place while the electric vehicle (EV) is stationary. Off-board supply equipment fulfilling the requirements in this document are intended to operate with EV devices fulfilling the requirements described in ISO 19363. The aspects covered in this document include - the characteristics and operating conditions, - the required level of electrical safety, - requirements for basic communication for safety and process matters if required by a MF111 WPT system, - requirements for positioning to assure efficient and safe MF-WPT power transfer, and - specific EMC requirements for MF-WPT systems. The following aspects are under consideration for future documents: - requirements for MF-WPT systems for two- and three-wheel vehicles, - requirements for MF-WPT systems supplying power to EVs in motion, and - requirements for bidirectional power transfer. - requirements for flush mounted primary devices - requirements for MF-WPT systems for heavy duty vehicles - requirements for MF-WPT systems with inputs greater than 11,1 kVA This standard does not apply to - safety aspects related to maintenance, and - trolley buses, rail vehicles and vehicles designed primarily for use off-road. NOTE The terms used in this document are specifically for MF-WPT.

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EN IEC 61980-3:2022, идентичан
IEC 61980-3:2022, идентичан

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