Приказано 1-10 од 10 ставки.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
prBAS Glasanje o sistemskom preispit. ISO standarda:
00.99BAS/TC 6619.10.202101.12.2021
pnBAS ISO 33401:2025
Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation
30.20BAS/TC 6622.01.202522.02.2025
pnBAS ISO 33403:2025
Reference materials — Requirements and recommendations for use
30.20BAS/TC 6622.01.202522.02.2025
pnBAS ISO 33405:2025
Reference materials — Approaches for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability
30.20BAS/TC 6622.01.202522.02.2025
pnBAS ISO 33406:2025
Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties
30.20BAS/TC 6622.01.202522.02.2025
pnBAS ISO 33407:2025
Guidance for the production of pure organic substance certified reference materials
30.20BAS/TC 6622.01.202522.02.2025
prBAS CD 20387:2025
Biotechnology - Biobanking- General requirements for biobannks
00.99BAS/TC 6614.01.202529.01.2025
prBAS Glasanje na razvoj ISO standarda
00.99BAS/TC 6628.02.202202.03.2022
prBAS GUM 5:2025
00.99BAS/TC 6615.01.202503.02.2025
prBAS ISO TR 79:2025
00.99BAS/TC 6615.01.202503.02.2025