Приказано 1-18 од 18 ставки.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
prBAS EN 1751:2025
Ventilation for buildings - Air terminal devices - Aerodynamic testing of damper and valves
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 17878-1:2025
District heating pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems with a lower temperature profile - Part 1: Classification, general requirements and test methods
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 17878-2:2025
District heating pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems with a lower temperature profile - Part 2: Requirements and test methods for bonded systems with plastic service pipes
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 17878-3:2025
District heating pipes - Factory made flexible pipe systems with a lower temperature profile - Part 3: Requirements and test methods for non bonded systems with plastic service pipes
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 17893:2025
Thermal road vehicles - Temperature-controlled systems using flammable refrigerants for transport of goods - Requirements and risk analysis process
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 17956:2025
Energy efficiency classes for technical insulation systems - Calculation method and applications
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN 253+A1:2025
District heating pipes - Bonded single pipe systems for directly buried hot water networks - Factory made pipe assembly of steel service pipe, polyurethane thermal insulation and a casing of polyethylene
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-1/A1:2025
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 1: Definitions, symbols, and comfort criteria - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-2/A1:2025
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 2: Determination of the design heating and cooling capacity - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-3/A1:2025
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 3: Design and dimensioning - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-4/A1:2025
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 4: Dimensioning and calculation of the dynamic heating and cooling capacity of Thermo Active Building Systems (TABS) - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-5/A1:2025
Building environment design - Embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 5: Installation - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 11855-8:2025
Building environment design - Design, dimensioning, installation and control of embedded radiant heating and cooling systems - Part 8: Electrical heating systems
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 13351:2025
Fans - Dimensions
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 22042/A1:2025
Blast chiller and freezer cabinets for professional use - Classification, requirements and test conditions - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 23953-1:2025
Refrigerated display cabinets - Part 1: Vocabulary
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 23953-2:2025
Refrigerated display cabinets - Part 2: Classification, requirements and test conditions
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025
prBAS EN ISO 24194/A1:2025
Solar energy - Collector fields - Check of performance - Amendment 1
10.99BAS/TC 4704.11.202405.01.2025