Приказано 1-16 од 16 ставки.
Ознака стандардаФаза израдеБАС/ТКДатум реализацијеПредвиђени датум наредне фазе
nsBAS EN ISO 56007:2024
Innovation management - Tools and methods for managing opportunities and ideas - Guidance
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS EN ISO/IEC 17043:2024
Conformity assessment - General requirements for the competence of proficiency testing providers
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 21500:2024
Управљање пројектима, програмима и портфолијима – Контекст и концепти
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 30400:2024
Human resource management — Vocabulary
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 30405:2024
Human resource management — Guidelines on recruitment
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 30434:2024
Human resource management — Workforce allocation
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 30435:2024
Human resource management — Workforce data quality
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 37500:2024
Guidance on outsourcing
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 44001:2024
Collaborative business relationship management systems — Requirements and framework
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 44002:2024
Collaborative business relationship management systems — Guidelines on the implementation of ISO 44001
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO 45002:2024
Sistemi upravljanja zdravljem i bezbjednošću na radu - Opšte smjernice za primjenu ISO 45001:2018
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO/TR 44000:2024
Principles for successful collaborative business relationship management
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO/TS 30437:2024
Human resource management — Learning and development metrics
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
nsBAS ISO/TS 56010:2024
Innovation management — Illustrative examples of ISO 56000
40.20BAS/TC 311.04.202410.06.2024
prBAS Glasanje ISO/CASCO
10.99BAS/TC 305.05.202118.05.2021
prBAS ISO 21502:2024
10.99BAS/TC 304.04.202401.09.2024