nsBAS EN 13048:2024

Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Internal lacquer film thickness measurement method

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Број страница:7
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:21.03.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:20.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 50, Амбалажа, пластика и гума
55.120, Лимeнкe. Кoнзeрвe. Tубe

This document specifies methods for the determination of the thickness of the lacquer film applied inside cylindrical and conical aluminium tubes. The methods are a reference. They can also be used as a reference when calibrating other electronic instruments suitable for determining coating weight thickness. It is applicable to aluminium tubes used for packing pharmaceutical, cosmetic, hygiene, food and other domestic products. NOTE Although not specified in this document there are available suitable automatic film thickness measurement instruments that provide instantaneous results with good accuracy (<1μm).

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EN 13048:2022, идентичан

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