nsBAS EN 16568:2024

Automotive fuels - Blends of Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) with diesel fuel - Determination of oxidation stability by rapidly accelerated oxidation method at 120 °C

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Број страница:17
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:28.03.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:27.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 11, Нафта и нафтни деривати
75.160.20, Teчнa гoривa

This document specifies a test method for the determination of the oxidation stability at 120 °C of fuels for diesel engines, by means of measuring the induction period of the fuel up to 20 h. The method is applicable to blends of FAME with petroleum-based diesel having a FAME content in the range between 2 % (V/V) and 50 % (V/V). NOTE 1 An almost identical test method for oxidation stability at 110 °C is described in EN 15751 [1], which applies to pure FAME and diesel/FAME blends containing 2 % (V/V) of FAME at minimum. Other alternative test methods for the determination of the oxidation stability of distillate fuels are described in CEN/TR 17225 [3]. NOTE 2 The precision of this method was determined using samples with a maximum induction period of approximately 20 h. Higher induction periods are not covered by the precision statement; however, experience from EN 15751 indicates sufficient precision up to 48 h. NOTE 3 The presence of cetane improver can reduce the oxidation stability determined by this test method. Limited studies with 2-ethyl hexyl nitrate (EHN) indicated that the stability is reduced to an extent which is within the reproducibility of the test method. NOTE 4 For the purposes of this document, the term "% (V/V)" is used to represent the volume fraction.

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EN 16568:2023, идентичан

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