nsBAS EN 14487-1:2024

Млазни бетон - Дио 1: Дефиниције, спецификације и усаглашеност

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Број страница:43
Метода усвајања:Proglašavanje
Датум реализације:12.03.2024
Предвиђени датум наредне фазе:11.05.2024
Технички комитет:BAS/TC 21, Бетон и производи од бетона
01.040.91, Грaђeвински мaтeриjaли и грaдњa (Рjeчници)
91.100.30, Бeтoн и прoизвoди oд бeтoнa

This document is applicable to sprayed concrete to be used for repair and upgrading of structures, for new structures and for strengthening of ground. This document covers: - classification related to consistence of wet mix; - environmental exposure classes; young, hardened and fibre reinforced concrete; - requirements for constituent materials, for concrete composition and for basic mix, for fresh and hardened concrete and all types of fibre reinforced sprayed concrete; - specification for designed and prescribed mixes; - conformity. This document is applicable to wet mix as well as dry mix sprayed concrete. The substrates to which sprayed concrete can be applied include: - ground (rock and soil); - sprayed concrete; - different types of formwork; - structural components constituted of concrete, masonry and steel; - drainage materials; - insulating materials. Additional or different requirements may be needed for applications not within this document, for instance-refractory uses.

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Изворни документ и степен усаглашености
EN 14487-1:2022, идентичан

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Сaмo члaнoви тeхничкoг кoмитeтa имajу приступ рaднoм мaтeриjaлу. Укoликo стe члaн, мoлимo вac приjaвитe сe сa вaшим нaлoгoм и дoбићeтe приступ дoкумeнтимa. Пријавите се