Nacrti standarda na javnoj raspravi

Institut za standardizaciju Bosnе i Hercegovinе, na prijedlog tehničkih komiteta, objavljuje javnu raspravu o nacrtima bosanskohercegovačkih standarda (faza izrade 40.20) koja ima za cilj da omogući svima zainteresiranim stranama da dostave primjedbe i prijedloge na nacrte bosanskohercegovačkih standarda.

Rok za dostavljanje primjedbi na nacrte bosanskohercegovačkih standarda je 60 dana od dana objavljivanja javne rasprave na web-sajtu ISBIH-a (ako je potrebno, može biti skraćen na najmanje 30 dana). 

Nacrti bosanskohercegovačkih standarda su svim zainteresovanim na raspolaganju putem online modula za čitanje nacrta BAS standarda, a osnovni podaci o nacrtu (naslov, područje primjene, tehnički komitet koji je taj nacrt pripremio za javnu raspravu i sl.) dostupni su na web-sajtu ISBIH-a.

Zahtjev za pristup nacrtu BAS standarda na javnoj raspravi trebate dostaviti na e-poštu: Kako biste mogli pristupiti online modulu za čitanje nacrta BAS standarda, morate biti registrirani na našoj mrežnoj stranici.

Primjedbe na nacrte bosanskohercegovačkih standarda (uz oznaku tehničkog komiteta i referentnu oznaku nacrta BAS standarda) dostaviti email-om tehničkom sekretaru odgovarajućeg tehničkog komiteta korištenjem Obrasca za komentare.

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Prikazuj 81-100 od 143 stavke.
Oznaka standardaFaza izradeBAS/TCNadnevak realizacijePredviđeni nadnevak naredne faze
nsBAS EN ISO 3785:2024
Metallic materials - Designation of test specimen axes in relation to product texture
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 3995:2024
Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 4064-1/A11:2024
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 1: Metrological and technical requirements
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 4064-2/A11:2024
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 2: Test methods
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 4064-5/A11:2024
Water meters for cold potable water and hot water - Part 5: Installation requirements
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 4491-1:2024
Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 1: General guidelines
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 4491-2:2024
Metallic powders - Determination of oxygen content by reduction methods - Part 2: Loss of mass on hydrogen reduction (hydrogen loss)
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 5755:2024
Sintered metal material - Specifications
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 5842:2024
Powder metallurgy - Hot isostatic pressing - Argon detection using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry techniques
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 6975:2024
Natural gas - Extended analysis - Gas-chromatographic method
40.20BAS/TC 3104.06.202403.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 6976:2024
Natural gas - Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe indices from composition
40.20BAS/TC 3104.06.202403.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 80000-1:2024
Quantities and units - Part 1: General
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 80000-11:2024
Quantities and units - Part 11: Characteristic numbers
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 80000-3:2024
Quantities and units - Part 3: Space and time
40.20BAS/TC 3820.06.202418.08.2024
nsBAS EN ISO 8062-3:2024
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Dimensional and geometrical tolerances for moulded parts - Part 3: General dimensional and geometrical tolerances and machining allowances for castings using ± tolerances for indicated dimensions
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS ISO 11531:2024
Metallic materials — Sheet and strip — Earing test
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS ISO 11620:2024
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
40.20BAS/TC 4429.05.202428.07.2024
nsBAS ISO 11798:2024
Information and documentation — Permanence and durability of writing, printing and copying on paper — Requirements and test methods
40.20BAS/TC 4429.05.202428.07.2024
nsBAS ISO 13521:2024
Austenitic manganese steel castings
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024
nsBAS ISO 13583-2:2024
Centrifugally cast steel and alloy products — Part 2: Heat-resistant materials
40.20BAS/TC 431.05.202429.07.2024