nsBAS CEN/TS 17875:2024

Inteligentni transportni sustavi - Elektronička sigurnost - Arhitektura informacijskog sustava za podršku incidentima (ISIS)

Opće informacije
Broj stranica:33
Metoda usvajanja:Proglašavanje
Nadnevak realizacije:12.03.2024
Predviđeni nadnevak naredne faze:13.05.2024
Tehnički komitet:BAS/TC 1, Informaciona tehnologija
03.220.20, Cestovni transport
13.200, Zaštita od nezgoda i velikih nesreća
35.240.60, Primjene IT-a u prijevozu i trgovini

This document describes the architecture of a secure process flow between a source ITS system and a destination ITS system to provide an ‘incident support information system’ (ISIS) to emergency responders by accessing (with the agreement of the vehicle owners/keepers) data from a crashed vehicle and/or other vehicles, or drones, in the vicinity of the incident.

Životni ciklus

Izvorni dokument i stepen usklađenosti
CEN/TS 17875:2022, identičan

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