The Day of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina

On December 28, the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrates the Day of the Institute for Standardization of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this period, we are summarizing the results achieved and mark the end of another year full of changes and challenges.

In the past period, the Institute has successfully maintained and developed the standardization system in Bosnia and Herzegovina, by respecting the requirements and recommendations of international and European standards organizations. We adopted 3384 standards and other standardization documents, held 87 sessions of technical committees and working groups, and one session of the Standardization Council of BiH. The Ex-Commission processed 117 certificates and issued 39 expert opinions. We have improved the information management system for standards and one of the achieved results is the online access to draft BAS standards under public enquiry. In order to ensure the best possible conditions for the wider use of standards in our country and in order to facilitate easier, faster and cheaper access to standards, we launched the service related to standards for online reading within 7 or 30 days. We also introduced a unique service of paying for standards by bank card for both legal and physical entities. We continued with promotional and educational activities related to standards and standardization, and organized and participated in the organization of several online webinars.

This year, too, we used the Institute’s Day as an opportunity to award plaques and certificates of appreciation to deserving individuals and institutions for their contribution in the development of standardization.

The winners of the plaque are UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina, EU4 Civil Society, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - GIZ.

The winners of the certificates of appreciation for significant contribution to the development, implementation and promotion of standards and for the improvement of standardization in Bosnia and Herzegovina are: Ljubiša Tanić, Nebojša Petrović, Tatjana Bojanić, Katarina Hafner-Vuk, Milomir Šoja, Jasmin Burzić, Zenica Development Agency - ZEDA.

We would like to thank all the members of our expert bodies, associates, experts in various fields of standardization who have contributed to the achievement of our goals through active and dedicated work.