Showing 1-20 of 54 items.
Standard referenceStage codeBAS/TCReal dateForseen date for next stage code
prBAS CEN ISO/TR 7250-2:2025
Basic human body measurements for technological design - Part 2: Statistical summaries of body measurements from national populations
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS CEN/TR 17842-2:2025
Playground equipment for children ­- Part 2: Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts (2020 - 2022)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS CEN/TR 17994:2025
One post equipment - Inspection guidance
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 1177+A1:2025
Impact attenuating playground surfacing - Methods of test for determination of impact attenuation
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 12196:2025
Gymnastic equipment - Horses and bucks - Functional and safety requirements, test methods
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 12841:2025
Personal fall protection equipment - Rope access systems - Rope adjustment devices
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 12941:2025
Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating a loose fitting respiratory interface - Requirements, testing, marking
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 12942:2025
Respiratory protective devices - Powered filtering devices incorporating full face masks, half masks or quarter masks - Requirements, testing, marking
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 134:2025
Respiratory protective devices - Nomenclature of components
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 13451-1+A1:2025
Swimming pool equipment - Part 1: General safety requirements and test methods for equipment installed in pools for public use
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 13819-1+A1:2025
Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 1: Physical test methods
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 13819-3+A1:2025
Hearing protectors - Testing - Part 3: Supplementary acoustic test methods
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14325+A1:2025
Protective clothing against chemicals - Test methods and performance classification of chemical protective clothing materials, seams, joins and assemblages
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-1:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 1: Test methods
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-2:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 2: Requirements for wearable knee protectors (type 1)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-3:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 3: Requirements for the individual combination of knee pads and garments (type 2)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-4:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 4: Requirements for the combination of interoperable knee pads and garments (type 2)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-5:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 5: Requirements for knee mats (type 3)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 14404-6:2025
Personal protective equipment - Knee protectors for work in the kneeling position - Part 6: Requirements for kneeling systems (type 4)
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025
prBAS EN 15288-1+A1:2025
Swimming pools for public use - Part 1: Safety requirements for design
10.99BAS/TC 1413.11.202418.03.2025